The Peregrine is the fastest flying animal and is considered the king of all birds in the world. They live on all continents except for Antarctica. When they are in level flight they fly 64 to 96 km/h, even a pigeon can fly faster than the falcon at 123 km/h. But when the falcon dives, they can reach a speed up to 354 km/h. According to the Guinness World Records, in 2005, a peregrine falcon was recorded flying faster than 380 km/h = 105.5 m/second which is about 8.5 times faster Usain bolt’s record.
The male peregrine is known as a tiercel as it is 3 times smaller than the female. About 3500 years ago, peregrines were used in falconry (the art of training and using falcons to hunt small animals and birds)
Peregrine falcon chicks called the eyases mature quickly. At 3 weeks of age, they are already 10 times their size of birth.
During the Second World War peregrines were deliberately shot down in case they caught carrier pigeons which were delivering messages. Today, the main threat to peregrines is chemical pollutants, which they ingest from their prey and are highly sensitive too.